Sunday, May 5, 2013

Iron Man 3: MasterReview

What up, People!

It has been awhile since I've did a MasterReview. I've been really getting into these fighting game tournaments lately and thus haven't been to the movies in a long time. I'll try to keep up with these a little bit more when i have some free time and that being said, Let's get into this mindfuck of a movie that is Iron Man 3.

Plot wise....This takes place after the events of The Avengers, six months real time. Tony Stark, who has done nothing but sit in his house and build armors, is a nervous wreck and Pepper is still running Stark Industries. To add on more stress, The Mandarin, who has been running amuck overseas, and some old demons from his past have come to give Tony a run for his money. Now Tony must shake the cogwebs of his past to protect his friends and his future.

Robert Downey Jr. once again does his thing and that I wasn't worried about because he has proven time and time again that he is a terrific actor. Gywneth Paltrow's Pepper Potts is a pleasure to watch as always. She's a redhead in the Marvel films and as you all know, I love redheads.

This is were I stop being civil and go into angry black geek mode.  Fair Warning.

Don Cheadle, who I greatly respect as a actor, has been played out as James Rhodes. He has been turned from War Machine, the most badass aspect of Iron Man 2, into Iron Patriot, the walking punchline of Iron Man 3. Then, there is the absolute bullshit that is the villains of this movie. OMFG!!!

Ben Kingsley is one of greatest thespians of our time and it breaks my heart that he was involved in the butchery of Iron Man's most known villain, The Mandarin. I was on board with the whole mock Bin Laden route or else I wouldn't not wasted 11.75. But the fact that he was some drunk actor playing a super terrorist and some psycho pretty boy on mutant steroids says HE'S The Mandarin! Get the F**k out of here! I understand that they couldn't go the mystic route with the plan they already set and that's okay. But the way Disney executed this was not only lazy but a insult to comic book lovers everywhere, It took me every muscle in my body to not walk out the mall.  MY GOD!!

One more thing, Stan Lee is a pioneer in pop culture and I will gladly shake his hand one day and that being said, It's time to sit your old ass down. I'm tired of these meaningless cameos now. 

In closing, some of you may like this movie and that's okay. Some of you won't and that's okay too. What i'm trying to say is don't half-ass stuff and think people won't notice. This movie will make a lot of cash but it never make a whole lot of sense.



Friday, July 20, 2012

Dark Knight Review update

It may take some time with this Dark Knight review due to the fact I'm going to be busy all weekend and the sheer mindfuck that movie did to me! But it's coming and it's most likely going to be my most complex MasterReview to complete.

On a sadder note, my condolences goes to the victims of the massacre in Colorado last night. You cant even be safe in the movies anymore.

As always, 
Live and Maintain 
Master STEVE

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Update Time!

My next two MasterReviews will be the following:

NAS- Life is Good

The Dark Knight Rises 

You might not like what i have to say about one of these "jawns" as one of my comrades might say, but i'm here to give insight...not please the masses. 

As always, Live and Maintain.

Master STEVE

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man : MasterReview

Being a big fan of the Spider-Man mythos, I was going into this reboot hoping it wasnt going to make me regret walking outside in this hell-like weather and gladly i did not. This was a pretty solid movie.

I didnt know shit about Director Marc Webb's work prior to this but i really like his take on a origin story we all know too well. It was fleshed out very nicely....It had a more more modern, less goofy tone than the original trilogy and i pray it stays that way.

Andrew Garfield's portrayal of Peter Parker is my favorite aspect of the film. He had a mysterious, aloof aura about himself and i feel like he brought the true Spidey to the big screen....witty,wise ass remarks combined with a serious flow. Hopefully, he brings that common man aspect i like to the next installment.

Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy: I wont dwell into this that much because no matter what, she would of did a whole lot better than the wack-ass Gwen Stacy portrayal from Spider-Man 3. She would have been a great Mary Jane look-wise because she looks great as a redhead and i love redheads....but she did okay.

The Lizard was a OK villain but i felt he had a little too much of the split personality complexity going on from Willem Dafoe's Green Goblin...but his overall look was pretty badass.

The action was solid.....I love the fight between Peter and the Lizard but the final battle wasnt all that great. I seen worst final battles though (Ghost Rider 1).

Overall, The Amazing Spider-Man was a okay flick. Will it overshadow the original movies?......that remains too be seen. Is it the best superhero movie of all That honor goes to The least till The Dark Knight Rises comes out.


                                                                                                         -Master STEVE